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Luna创新Outfits Fiber on Smart Bridge in Italy


罗阿诺克,va。--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 26, 2020-- Luna Innovations Inclated.(纳斯达克:LUNA)是一款先进的光纤技术的全球领导者,今天宣布它与Cetena和GHT Photonics合作,以帮助设计,构建和实施最近的全面的光纤结构健康监测系统重新开业 Polcyvera高架桥桥梁,这是城市的关键流量动脉 Genoa.北方 Italy

创新的桥梁,超过19种跨越的公里,配备了基于Luna Hyperion网络的先进的健康监控系统®Luna集成伙伴GHT Photonics安装的测量系统和先进的光纤传感器。该系统将监测桥的结构响应,以及条件,包括数量和车辆重量,水滞,天气和其它重要的变量为桥梁监测,控制和检查的帮助。安装在基础架构上的传感器将捕获创建桥梁数码双胞胎所需的数据,从而实时再现所有高架桥的物理特性。

“The re-building of this bridge was a national priority for Italyand stands as a symbol of progress for using our fiber in all smart infrastructures. Luna is proud to partner with disruptors like GHT Photonics and CETENA to work on this significant and historic project,” said Scott Graeff,总统兼首席执行官 Luna创新。“Our alliance has helped pave the way for innovative growth in how we operate, inspect, monitor and manage all infrastructure in the future.”

Cetena引导了开发开发的软件,CyMon,连接到Luna光纤传感系统进行数据采集,分析和与桥梁设计数据和存储的比较。“结构监测系统的目标是确保桥梁的状况可以密切地监控,始终如一地持续监控,”说 Paolo Ceni.CETENA首席执行官。“通过实时评估bridge conditions and correlating them with load factors, any maintenance or operational needs will be addressed swiftly so the working performance and safety of the structure and passengers will be ensured. In the next stage, acquired data will offer the possibility to construct a digital twin of the bridge and to review structural loads and environmental factors with augmented reality (AR) technology, in which CETENA has acquired deep experience in the maritime and naval simulation field.”

为了满足微地震监测和操作模态分析(OMA)的要求要求,LUNA提供了一流的光纤询问器,并用广泛的光纤加速度计仪表,唯一可用的光学解决方案on the market that fit the project’s OMA requirements. Combined with Luna’s HYPERION®仪表平台,OS7500系列加速度计可以很容易地分布和与其他传感器同步。完全光纤解决方案,它构成了该结构的内部“神经”网络的基础,容易展开大结构,现在准备好集中操作,为健康和维护结构产生关键的数据几十年来。


Luna Innovations is a leader in optical technology, providing unique capabilities in high-performance, fiber optic-based, test products for the telecommunications industry and distributed fiber optic-based sensing for the aerospace and automotive industries. Luna is organized into two business segments, which work closely together to turn ideas into products: a Lightwave segment and a Luna Labs部分。Luna的商业模式旨在加速将新的创新技术推向市场的过程。


Cetena Spa(, is the engineering and technical consultancy and R&D center of Fincantieri Group, operating both in the traditional fields of maritime and naval engineering (structures, hydrodynamics, safety, sea trials, ship performances, …) and in transversal ones (monitoring systems, simulation and augmented reality environments, green energy technologies, air and underwater noise emission reduction).CETENA is organized into several Business Units working together to develop advanced consultancy services and products, based on knowledge, applied R&D, experimental laboratories and on-field experience.

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Allison Woody.
Phone: 540.769.8465
Email:[email protected]

Source: Luna Innovations Inclated.
