NRT-2500 Polarization platform


Luna NRT-2500是一个多功能偏振控制平台,为光学应答器,设备和子系统开发和制造提供多个内置偏振控制功能。

Product Description

Luna.'s industry-leading polarization control platform combines an integrated-optic Lithium Niobate (LiNbO3) waveguide polarization-controller device for super-fast polarization response driven by customizable digital signal processors and field programmable gate arrays (DSPs/FPGAs) for full functional flexibility. Together they enable Luna to provide an unprecedented seven polarization operations in one product.

  • 主要特征
    • 划桨(Set Polarization) - Full polarization control by rotating any of the 5 electro-optic 1⁄4-wave plates to achieve the desired SOP setting with high accuracy, repeatability and resolution.
    • Scrambler-均匀的极化争先恐精地用全Poincaré球形覆盖范围和用户可选的瑞利分配扰息。
    • Deporarizer.-A single-speed, ultrafast random scrambling mode to reduce the degree of polarization (DOP) of the measured signal or to introduce an extremely fast ΔSOP Impulses for lightning simulation and loop testbeds.
    • 旋转器- 超快速SOP旋转/加扰高达940,000 RAD /秒,用于表征新一代连贯的PM-QPSK收发器。
    • 追踪器-Fast, robust, and endless polarization tracking with no dropouts or ‘glitches’.
    • Acquirer-Acquirer is the automated ‘smart’ paddles mode to drive the SOP to maximize or minimize a feedback signal.
  • 规格
    插入损失 < 3dB
    PDL. <0.3 dB.
    光学回报损失 > 50dB.
    光功率处理 <20 dBm
    工作波长 1.55微米(C-和L波段)
    光学连接器 FC / UPC,FC / APC,SC
    加扰模式(SOP速度分布)参数2 R.模式B.0.5< 3,400 radians/second, with 1.25 r模式,R.最大限度〜3.76 R.模式
    Enhanced spinner mode rate 75kHz (or >470,000 rad/sec for SOP aligned in S1-2飞机)
    SOP转速速度 ~1.4 microseconds (up to 1,500,000 rad/sec)3.


    ~20 microseconds4.

    12VDC from 100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz wall AC-DC converter

    Communication interface 以太网,RS-232

    H=4.04" (102.6mm)
    W=10.12" (257mm)
    d = 12.32“(313mm)

    2对于瑞利分配:r模式是分布的统计模式,是平均SOP变化,99.9%的所有SOP变化发生在r之前最大限度= 3 〜3.76 r模式

    3.For π/2 radian SOP transitions in 1μs.

    4.This speed is feedback/update algorithm loop time based on reading A/DCs and DESP speed and updating polarization controller voltages. The feedback signal level and customization of the algorithm may slow system response.


  • 文件
  • 应用程序
    • Optical Polarization Demultiplexing
    • 经济透明度的PMD公差测试
    • 光极化拆分
    • Testing electronic pol-demux
    • Optical PMD compensation
    • 连贯的检测
    • Detector calibration
    • 超超快ΔSOP/ΔT事件生成
    • Power combining


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Control and manage polarization in your optical system with our lossless fiber-squeezer based multifunctional polarization controllers for highest performance. Emulate all polarization impairment parameters including SOP, PMD, and PDL, with our complete line of emulation products for network and system characterization.
Polarization Impairment Emulation